A Simple Poem about Someone

 Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Hi blogger. How are you? I hope everything’s okay.

Today, I will recount our third college meeting of Creative Writing course.

Okay, further on to the fourth meeting goes through the zoom application which we were previously asked to do on the WhatsApp group which we were told to do and complete our assignment about acrostic poem to submit in Google Classroom.

So at the fourth meeting we recited the material about the bio poem. Bio poem is a simple poem written about a person and it follows a predictable pattern. A bio poem highlights biographical information about a subject, including their experience, hopes, and interest. Where this bio poem is a poem about biography of either one who is close to us or one we idolize. On bio poem there is a structure which is :


Line 1  : first name

Line 2  : four descriptive traits (what you know about that person)

Line 3  : brother/sister of…. ( or daughter/son of…..)

Line 4  : lover of….. (people/ideas)

Line 5  : who feels…… ( what is important to him/her)

Line 6  : who needs…… (things that person needs)

Line 7  : who gives….. (what the person give to those around them at home or anywhere)

Line 8  : who fears….. (thing the person fears)

Line 9  : who would like to see…… (what would the person like to see)

Line 10            : resident of…. (city/village/state)

Line 11            : last name


That is the formation of the bio poem. From its structure has shown that bio poem refers to the fact that one we will describe in the poem through third person.

That’s all for today

Thanks a bunch

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

